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Undergraduate Course Committees

Each undergraduate course committee is composed by the following participants:

I – coordinator, as president;

II – deputy coordinator, as vice-president;

III – representatives of the education departments, in the proportion of 1 (one) for every participation of the department equal to ten percent (10%) of the total workload of mandatory subjects necessary to course completion, for a term of 2 (two) years;

IV – one faculty representative, appointed by the teaching unit, for departments that offer subjects mandatory to the course curriculum, but don’t reach a 10% (ten percent) participation on the total workload;

V – representatives of the student body, in the proportion equal to the whole part of the result of the division of the number of non-students by five, for a term of 1 (one) year;

VI – one or more representatives of class association of their specialty, for a term of 2 (two) years;

VII – a representative of the technical-administrative staff located in the Integrated Undergraduate Courses Office, elected by their peers, for a term of 2 (two) years;

VIII – internship coordinator;

IX – final essays’ coordinator;

X – complementary activities’ coordinator.

The attributions of the Course Committee are:

I. establishing the professional profile and educational proposition of the course;

II. elaborating its internal regiment;

III. elaborating, analyzing and evaluating the course curriculum and its alterations;

IV. analyzing, approving and evaluating the teaching plans of course subjects, proposing alterations when necessary;

V. fixating norms for interdisciplinary coordination and promoting horizontal and vertical integration between courses, so as to guarantee their educational quality;

VI. determining the time of day for course realization;

VII. fixating norms regarding enrollment and course completion, observing what has been established by the Chamber for Undergraduate Education;

VIII. deliberating over the requests for deadline extension for course conclusion;

IX. emitting opinions over processes of revalidation of Undergraduate Course degrees, expedited by foreign institutions of higher education;

X. deliberating, in the form of appeal, over decisions from the President of the Course Committee;

XI. exerting other attributions conferred by law, these Regulations or the Course Regiment.

Committee for the Undergraduate Course in Administration

Committee for the Undergraduate Course in Accounting Sciences

Committee for the Undergraduate Course in Economic Sciences

Committee for the Undergraduate Course in International Relations

Committee for the Undergraduate Course in Social Work

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