
Entrada do CSEThe Social and Economic Sciences Center (CSE), created through the integration of the faculties of Economics and Social Work to the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) by Law no. 3.849, of December 18th, 1960, is an academic unit integrating the structure of the UFSC, as foreseen by the Statute of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, approved through Ordinance no. 56/MEC, of February 1st, 1982.

The CSE coordinates activities of education, research and extension in the areas of Administrative Sciences, Accounting Sciences, Economic Sciences, International Relations and Social Work, at graduate and undergraduate levels.

The aims of the CSE are:

I – producing, systematizing and socializing knowledge in the areas that make up the CSE;

II – promoting scientific, technological, social and cultural development, through integrated activities of education, research and extension;

III – promoting the training of citizens, following ethical and professional principles, that contribute to the improvement of quality of life and the environment;

IV – promoting education, research and extension inextricably for the training of qualified citizens for professional activity;

V – promoting the training of professionals and researchers in the areas that integrate the CSE who can respond to the specific demands of society;

VI – comply with the general principles and contribute to the obtaining of the goals of this institution, developing integrated actions together with other UFSC units and diverse sectors of society.

The CSE has, as a principle, the commitment with autonomous and democratic, ethical, inclusive, innovative, internationalized, public and free education, grounded in a planned, responsible and transparent management, in accordance to the general precepts of public administration and the general objectives of the UFSC.

I- Deliberative Organs:

II- Consultative Organs:

III- Executive Organs:

IV- Auxiliary Organs:

V- Complementary Organs:

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