Department Committees

The department committees are composed of:

I – head and deputy head of department;

II – faculty integrating the career, allocated and in effective exercise in the department, including provisional allocation docentes integrantes da carreira lotados e em efetivo exercício no departamento, inclusive em lotação provisória; ####

III – technical-administrative staff in education, in the ratio of 50% (fifty percent) of the staff allocated in the department, guaranteed the representation of at least one staff;

IV – representatives of the student body in equal quantity to one fifth of the number of effective faculty of the department, indicated by the undergraduate courses and graduate programs in which the department is responsible for teaching more than 10% (ten percent) of the mandatory course load, guaranteed the representation of at least one graduate representative.

The competencies of the department:

Are defined in the General Regiment of the UFSC and in its own regiment, which enters into effect after its approval by the Center’s Council.

Department of Economics and International Relations (CNM) 

Department of Administrative Sciences (CAD)

Department of Accounting Sciences (CCN)

Department of Social Work (DSS)

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