About CSE

  1. What is CSE?

      The Social and Economic Sciences Center (Centro Socioeconômico – CSE in portuguese) is one of the fifteen teaching centers of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, focused on teaching, research and extension. It is located on the João David Ferreira Lima University Campus.


  • CSE offers not only undergraduate courses, but academic master’s degree as well as PhD in Administration, Economics, Accounting Sciences, International Relations, and Social Work.
  • It also has professional master’s degrees in University Administration, Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT), and Management Control (PPGCG).
  • Approximately 4,000 students study at CSE, of which about 3,500 are undergraduates.
  • Made up of six blocks of not only classrooms, the center also contains three computer labs, an auditorium, and four mini auditoriums.

    Apart from the projects developed among professors and students, such as study groups and research centers, CSE has two research institutes: the Institute of Latin American Studies (IELA) and the Institute of Research and Studies in University Administration (INPEAU).


    The Social and Economic Sciences Center is one of the oldest at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, which emerged from the School of Economic Sciences and the former Course of Administration and Finance. At first, not all courses were located at the Trindade campus, but this reality has been changing over the decades and through important events such as the University Reform, which started at UFSC in 1969.

      Since then, the existing faculties have been defined in departments and courses, removing part of their autonomy and starting a process of integration among related areas of the applied social sciences. Thus, the former School of Economic Sciences was extinguished to make room for the courses of Administration, Economics and Accounting Sciences. These would form the The Social and Economic Sciences Center, together with the Law course, which would later take its place in the Center for Legal Sciences. Later, there was the incorporation of the Social Work course, which also had its own faculty.

      Subsequentely, as a result of the University Reform in the 70s, the CSE was formed. Over the following decades, the center’s courses went through considerable transformations as a part of the expansion process. This includes the creation of graduate programs, the establishment of specialization courses linked to the areas of knowledge of the Social and Economic Sciences Center, and the growing search by the faculty members for academic deepening in national and foreign institutions. It is also the moment in which student initiatives such as the junior enterprises emerge within the university, including the one that today is known as “Ação Júnior”, in the CSE itself.

      In the first decade of the 20s, the academic expansion of the center continued through the creation of new graduate programs and more specialization courses. An important milestone is the establishment of the undergraduate course International Relations in 2008, and two years later a master’s degree course in the same area was approved.








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