Sectorial Chamber for Undergraduate Courses

Sectorial Chambers 

The structure of the CSE will dispose of sectorial chambers, which will work as consultive instances, in the scope of the unit, the teaching, research and extension activities and of administration,  barred deliberations from the Center’s Council and superior chambers of the UFSC.

The sectorial chambers shall have as general attributions:

I – propose to the Center’s Council the policies in the scope of its competence;

II – advising the Directorate of the Unit on the elaboration of institutional projects and matters of the area.

The Sectorial Chamber for Undergraduate Courses shall be composed by:

I – a representative of the Directorate of the Unit;

II – coordinators of undergraduate courses of the CSE;

III – internship coordinators of the undergraduate courses;

IV – final essay coordinators of the undergraduate courses;

V – coordinators of complementary activities;

VI – a student representative of each course, referred by the academic center of each respective course;

VII – a technical-administrative staff in education allotted in the Integrated Undergraduate Office, elected among peers.

To the Sectorial Chamber of Undergraduate Courses, lies:

I – coordinating and articulating, along other sectors which develop undergraduate-level activities in the Center, the formulation, evaluation and monitoring of undergraduate policy, submitting it to the approval of the Center’s Council, attending dispositions established by the Chamber for Undergraduate Courses of the UFSC;

II – subsidizing the processes of undergraduate course evaluation;

III – supporting the revision processes of undergraduate educational projects;

IV – incentivizing interdisciplinarity in the formative process of undergraduate courses;

V – artiuclating the integrated actions of internationalization;

VI – contributing to the functioning of the Structuring Faculty Cores (NDEs) of the CSE;

VII – emitting opinions to subsidize decisions of the Center’s Council in matters related to undergraduate activities;

VIII – proposing measures that contribute to student permanence in courses.


Representante da Direção da UnidadeCleyton de Oliveira Ritta108/CSE/2021-
Ciências Contábeis - CGCCNAlex Mussoi Ribeiro (Coordenador(a))384/2022/GR01/03/2024
Maíra Melo De Souza (Subcoordenadora)385/2022/GR28/02/2024
Relações Internacionais - CGRIIara Costa Leite (Coordenadora)2501/2022/GR30/11/2024
Clarissa Franzoi Dri (Subcoordenadora)2502/2021/GR30/11/2024
Ciências Econômicas - CGCNMArlei Luiz Fachinello (Coordenador)1831/2023/GR17/08/2025
Liana Bohn (Subcoordenador) 1831/2023/GR
Serviço Social - CGSSHeloisa Teless (Coordenadora)2252/2022/GR31/10/2024
Fabiana Luiza Negri (Suplente)2253/2023/GR31/10/2024
Administração - CGADMRicardo Niehues Buss (Coordenador)2492/2022/GR 06/12/2024
André Luís da Silva Leite (Subcoordenadora)2493/2022/GR
Ead em Administração - CGEADAPFred Leite Siqueira Campos (Coordenador)1894/2018/GRpro tempore
Coordenação de Estágio - Ciências ContábeisLuiza Santangelo Reis054/CSE/2020-
Coordenação de Estágio - Relações InternacionaisFernando Seabra104/CSE/202012/09/2022
Coordenação de Estágio - Ciências EconômicasLuiz Carlos de Carvalho Júnior059/CSE/2020-
Coordenação de Estágio - Serviço SocialHelder Boska de Moraes Sarmento (Coordenador)100/CSE/202231/10/2024
Coordenação de Estágio - Administração (Pública, Presencial e Ead)Allan Augusto Platt (Coordenador)120/CSE/202128/10/2023
Coordenador de Atividades Complementares do Curso de Ciências ContábeisOrion Augusto Platt Neto108/CSE/2021-
Coordenador de Atividades Complementares do Curso de Serviço SocialEdilane Bertelli099/CSE/202231/10/2024
Discente Ciências Contábeis (CACiC)Julio Saggiorato Monteiro (titular)049/CSE/202329/06/2023 - 28/06/2024
Discente Relações Internacionais (CARI)Liu Cerqueira Beier (titular)049/CSE/202329/06/2023 - 28/06/2024
Discente Ciências Econômicas (CALE)Luiz Henrique Fagundes (titular)049/CSE/202329/06/2023 - 28/06/2024
Discente Serviço Social (CALISS)Emilio Ben Barreto Freire (titular)049/CSE/202329/06/2023 - 28/06/2024
Discente Administração (CAAD)Ronielson Nascimento da Costa (titular)049/CSE/202329/06/2023 - 28/06/2024
Servidor técnico-administrativo em educação lotado na Secretaria Integrada dos Cursos de GraduaçãoMarcia Franca de Sales (titular)038/CSE/202322/05/2025
João Lucas de Siqueira Rosa (suplente)038/CSE/202322/05/2025

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