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Permanence and Dropout Committee (CPE)

Permanence and Dropout Committee of the CSE

The Permanence and Desertion Committee of the Center was constituted by Ordinance N. º 040/CSE/2021, of March 29, 2021, and its objective is to study and propose actions to promote permanence and minimize deserion in undergraduate courses at CSE/UFSC.

The creation of this committee was motivated by the need to plan and develop systematic, continuous, and unified actions that promote student permanence and the fight against dropout in its undergraduate courses. This motivation came from the weight that these themes have acquired in recent years in higher education, not only in our university but also in the whole country.

The Committee approved a work plan that will include a diagnosis of the permanence and dropout situation in CSE courses, will bring together strategies and actions that are already being developed by the course coordinators, and will develop an Action Plan to promote permanence and minimize dropout that will be monitored in conjunction with the Undergraduate Course coordinators and the Center’s Directors.



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