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Coordinations for the Graduate programs

Educational coordination of graduate programs shall be a responsibility of the following collegiate bodies:

I – full committee;

II – delegated committee.

The administrative coordination of graduate programs will be undertaken by:

A coordinator and a subcoordinator, members of the effective faculty of the UFSC and elected between the permanent professors of the program, in the manner foreseen in its respective regiment, with a minimum mandate of two years and a maximum of four, allowed one reelection.

Of the Competences of the Coordinator:

I – summoning and presiding over meetings of the committees;

II – elaborating course programs, respecting the academic calendar, submitting them to approval of the delegated committee;

III – preparing the resource deployment plan of the program, submitting it to the approval of the delegated committee;

IV – elaborating annual activity and resource deployment reports, submitting them to the appreciation of the full committee;

V – submitting for approval of the delegated committee the names of the professors who will be part of:

a) the commission of selection for admission of students in the program;

b) the commission of grants or program management;

c) the commission of faculty accrediting and reaccrediting;

VI – deciding over examiner boards for qualification and defense of final term essays;

VII – deciding over indications of co-advisers of final term essays forwarded by current advisers;

VIII – defining, along with heads of departments or equivalent administrative units and undergraduate course coordinators, the subject courses that may be eligible for participation of graduate students enrolled in the “Estágio de Docência” [Teaching Internship] subject course;

IX – deciding ad referendum of the delegated or full committee, in cases of urgency or nonexistence of quorum, the decision being obligatorily appreciated by an equivalent committee in 30 (thirty) days;

X – articulating with the Pro-Rectorate of Graduate Programs (PROPG) for monitoring, execution and evaluation of the program activities;

XI – coordinating all activities of the program under its responsibility;

XII – representing the program, internally and externally to the UFSC, in the situations relating to its competence;

XIII – delegating competence for execution of specific tasks;

XIV – upholding the compliance of this normative resolution and the regiment and internal norms of the program;

XV – signing the letter of commitment firmed between the student and granter party for non-mandatory internships, as long as foreseen in the curricular structure of the course, in the terms of Act no. 11.788, of September 25th, 2008;

XVI – appreciating the semi-annual or annual reports from master’s and doctorate students. Single paragraph. In the cases foreseen in item IX, persisting the nonexistence of quorum for a new meeting summoned with the same finality, the act will be considered ratified.

Coordination for the Graduate program in Administration

Coordination for the Graduate program in Accounting Sciences

Coordination for the Graduate program in Economics

Coordination for the Graduate program in International Relations

Coordination for the Graduate program in Social Work

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