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Tickets and Per Diems


The request must be made through SPA. The process differs if the teacher or technical-administrative staff is linked to graduate-level programs. After the event, accountability procedures must be filed. Be aware of deadlines.

For professors accredited in graduate programs

  • Access the PROPG grant system (auxilioprpg.sistemas.ufsc.br) and file your request.
  • After PROPG response:
    1. Register: Digital Process in SPA  as per instructions below
    2. Forward: to the Department, that will evaluate and forward to CSE Directorate
      • Deadline: Registration and forwarding must be done at least 20 days in advance.

For professors and technical-administrative staff unacrredited in graduate programs

  1. Register: Digital Process in SPA  as per instructions below
  2. Forward: to the Department, that will evaluate and forward to CSE Directorate
    • Deadline: Registration and forwarding must be done at least 20 days in advance.

How to register a Digital Process through SPA? What documents should I annex?

  1. Access the website: https://solar.egestao.ufsc.br/solar/
    • (If you need help navigating SPA, ask for help in your Department or your Center’s Directorate)
  2. Fill with the following information:
    • Interessado [Interested party]: name and CPF of the requester
      Grupo de Assunto [Topic Group]: 267
      Assunto [Topic]: 950
  3. Annex the following documents to the process:
  4. Forward: to the Department, that will evaluate and forward the request to CSE Directorate.


Upon returning from the event, professors and technical-administrative staff must show evidence of the trip by delivering to CSE Directorate:

  • Event participation certificate
  • Travel report and boarding ticket stubs
  • Up to 3 days upon return

Financial support for events 

Grants are given solely to professors and TA staff. 


Regina Célia Alves Franco de Lima – 

Financial Support Coordination

Tel/WhatsApp: (48) 3721-6507

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Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.