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Undergraduate Courses – CSE


This program seeks to prepare administrators with analytical and entrepreneurial skills, who have a systemic view of organizations, in order to become agents of social transformation keeping up with present and future collective responsibility and ethics.

Classes are held in the morning or evening

Accounting Sciences

The undergraduate program in Accounting Sciences aims to qualify accoountants to work in the private and public management field, committed to the country’s economic and social development.

Classes are held in the morning or evening


The Economics program aims to train economists. The program is designed to create a solid developmental mentality in the field of research and teaching, capable of molding the professional to realistic and valid actions in the Brazilian economic development process.

Classes are held in the morning or evening

Social Work

This program fosters a deep understanding of critical-scientific knowledge through a methodology rooted in critical social theory. It aims to support the analysis of social realities and historical processes by integrating theoretical-methodological, ethical-political, and technical-operational knowledge. These components are aligned with social demands and needs, shaping the formulation of professional responses.

Classes are held in the morning or evening

International Relations

The program aims to foster technical competence in various fields of internacional relations, with a particular emphasis on internacional economic relations. This focus is driven by Brasil’s growing integration into the global economy and the unique characteristics of the state of Santa Catarina, wich is strategically located within Mercosur, Brasil’s major regional integration process.

Classes are held in the afternoon 

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