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Sectorial Chamber of Administration

Sectorial Chambers 

The structure of the CSE will dispose of sectorial chambers, which will work as consultive instances, in the scope of the unit, the teaching, research and extension activities and of administration,  barred deliberations from the Center’s Council and superior chambers of the UFSC.

The sectorial chambers shall have as general attributions:

I – propose to the Center’s Council the policies in the scope of its competence;

II – advising the Directorate of the Unit on the elaboration of institutional projects and matters of the area.

The Sectorial Chamber of Administration will be composed by:

I – the coordinator of administrative support, as president;

II – the head of Informatics Center;

III – the head of the Financial Administrative Support Sector;

IV – two technical-administrative staff in education representatives of the departments;

V – two technical-administrative staff in education representatives of the undergraduate courses;

VI – two technical-administrative staff in education representatives of the postgraduate programs;

VII – two technical-administrative staff in education representatives of the complementary bodies;

VIII – one student representative who integrates the Center’s Council;

IX – one faculty representative who integrates the Center’s Council.

To the Sectorial Chamber of Administration, lies:

I – emitting opinions on the purchase, investment and service processes;

II – proposing next steps for the implementation of people management policies;

III – evaluating and perfecting administrative flows, as well as routines between sectors;

IV – systematizing the norms related to the activities of university management;

V – advising the Directorate of the Unit in processes of planning, institutional evaluation and the matters specific to the current management;

VI – proposing guidelines for the optimization of physical space organization.


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