Sectorial Chamber of Research and Extension
Sectorial Chambers
The structure of the CSE will dispose of sectorial chambers, which will work as consultive instances, in the scope of the unit, the teaching, research and extension activities and of administration, barred deliberations from the Center’s Council and superior chambers of the UFSC.
The sectorial chambers shall have as general attributions:
I – propose to the Center’s Council the policies in the scope of its competence;
II – advising the Directorate of the Unit on the elaboration of institutional projects and matters of the area.
The Sectorial Chamber for Research and Extension of the CSE will be composed by:
I – coordinators and deputy coordinators of research and extension of the CSE;
II – coordinators of research and extension of all departments;
III – a representative of technical-administrative staff in education, elected amongst peers;
IV – a student representative of undergraduates, affiliated with a research group or project;
V – a student representative of graduates, affiliated with a research group or project;
VI – a representative of every complementary body affiliated with the CSE.
To the Sectorial Chamber of Research and Extension of the CSE, lies:
I – proposing research and extension norms and policy, submitting them to the approval of the Center’s Council, respected the dispositions made by the chambers of Research and Extension of the UFSC;
II – coordinating, promoting and participating of meetings and events related to research and extension, sharing their results with the community;
III – representing the CSE in commissions of selection and monitoring in programs of research and extension incentive of the UFSC;
IV – keeping and publicizing an updated registry of the research and extension activities developed and in development;
V – elaborating the annual report on activities carried out and submitting it to the approval of the Center’s Council;
VI – organizing and coordinating artistic and cultural events;
VII – proposing the standardization of research and extension cores of the CSE, being responsible for their respective registers;
VIII – coordinating actions of monitoring and evaluation of research and extension activities, respecting the dispositions of superior bodies of the UFSC;
IX – proposing actions for incentivizing the publishing of academic production.
Minutes and Convocations
Descrição | Nome | Documento | Vencimento |
Coordenadoria de pesquisa das unidades universitárias e dos órgãos suplementares | Sandra Rolim Ensslin (Coordenadora) | 021/CSE/2023 | - |
Beatriz Augusto De Paiva (Subcoordenadora) | 021/CSE/2023 | - | |
Coordenadoria de Extensão do CSE | Cleyton De Oliveira Ritta (Coordenador) | 010/CSE/2023 | - |
Cristiane Luiza Sabino De Souza (Subcoordenadora) | 011/CSE/2023 | - | |
Coordenadoria - CCN | Darci Schnorrenberger (Pesquisa) | 091/CSE/2022 | 16/10/2024 |
Vladimir Arthur Fey (Extensão) | 16/CSE/2023 | - | |
Coordenadoria - CNM | Fabio Padua Dos Santos (Pesquisa) | 071/CSE/2021 | 15/06/2023 |
Wagner Leal Arienti (Extensão) | 019/CSE/2022 | 09/03/2024 | |
Coordenadoria - DSS | Carla Rosane Bressan (Pesquisa) | 098/CSE/2022 | 31/10/2024 |
Cristiane Luiza Sabino de Souza (Extensão) | 097/CSE/2022 | 31/10/2024 | |
Coordenadoria - CAD | Ricardo Niehues Buss (Pesquisa) | 134/CSE/2021 | 17/12/2023 |
Larissa Kvitko (Extensão) | 113/CSE/2022 | 13/12/2024 | |
Representante dos servidores técnico-administrativos em educação | Ângela Cristina Corrêa (titular) | 038/CSE/2023 | 22/05/2025 |
Robson Vander Canarin da Rocha (suplente) | 038/CSE/2023 | 22/05/2025 | |
Representantes discentes vinculados a grupos ou projetos de pesquisa | Luiza Lopes Rosa (Graduação - titular) | 092/CSE/2021 | - |
Taylon Brutus Steffens Silva (Graudação - suplente) | 092/CSE/2021 | - | |
Marcelo D'Acampora Filomeno (Pós-Graduação - titular) | 092/CSE/2021 | - | |
Geovani José Ghizoni (Pós-Graduação - suplente) | 092/CSE/2021 | - | |
Representantes de cada órgão complementar vinculado ao CSE | - | - | - |