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Extension Coordination

The CSE Extension Coordination is nominated and appointed by the Center’s Director, with a current term of 04 years (there is no regulated term), aligned to the Director’s term.

Current CSE Extension Coordinators and Representatives – Period from 06/11/2020 to 06/11/2024.

Daniel Ricardo Castelan  – Extension Coordinator – Ordinance 1285/GR/2022

Informations about the extension:


The curricularization of extension, or (curricular) crediting of extension, is a demand of the National Education Plan (PNE) that was regulated by Resolution nº 7 MEC/CNE/CES, of December 18, 2018, according to which: “extension activities must compose, at least, 10% (ten percent) of the total student curricular workload of the undergraduate courses, which must be part of the curriculum matrix of the courses.” Higher education institutions have three years, as of the date of the resolution’s ratification, to implement their guidelines.

At UFSC, the subject has been discussed since 2016, and, more intensely, since the creation, in August 2018, of the Mixed Curricularization Commission (CMC), which has been working in support of the university to promote the curricular crediting of extension. The CSE has been acting through its representative Prof. Valdir Alvim (Extension Coordinator) in the Commission. Prof. Daniel Ricardo Castelan, also from the Center, participates in the Commission as a member of the Undergraduate Chamber (CGrad).

More information can be found on the website: http://curricularizacaodaextensao.ufsc.br/


Official site of the Pró-reitoria de extensão universitária at UFSC: www.proex.ufsc.br 




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