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Undergraduate course coordinations

The UFSC Undergraduate Course Coordinations are regulated by two main resolutions:

  • Resolution n.º Nº 17/CUn/97, of September 30th 1997, which discusses the Regulations of the Undergraduate Courses of the UFSC;
  • Resolution n.º 018/CUN/2004, of November 30th, 2004, which alters articles 10 and 11 of Resolution 17/CUN/97.

The undergraduate course coordinations shall be constituted by:

A coordinator and a deputy coordinator, which will substitute the former in their absences and impediments.

It is the responsibility of the Course Coordinator the following attributions:

  1. summoning and presiding over meetings of the Course Committee, with voting rights, including vote of quality;
  2. representing the Committee in other bodies of the University;
  3. executing the deliberations of the Committee;
  4. designating rapporteurs or commissions for study of matters to be decided by the Committee;
  5. deciding, ad referendum, in case of urgency, over matters normally in competence of the Committee;
  6. elaborating class schedules, taking into account the involved Departments;
  7. guiding students over Course enrollment and completion;
  8. refer to the DAE, taking into account the involved Departments, the course subjects which will be offered for enrollment in every school period;
  9. analyzing and deciding over requests of transfer and return;
  10. deciding over requests of expedition and dispense of transfer slips;
  11. deciding over requests of educational complementation and household exercises;
  12. validating subjects coursed in other institutions, obeying the pertinent legislation;
  13. verifying the completion of the course curriculum and other requirements for the concession of academic degrees to graduating students;
  14. deciding over requests of graduation made in exceptionality;
  15. promoting integration among Departments;
  16. enacting disciplinary procedures in lieu of complaints that involve students, in accordance with these Regulations;
  17. coordinating the theoretical-methodological activities of the course’s educational project, in all their modalities;
  18. coordinating the processes of restructuring and evaluation of the course curriculum;
  19. proposing policies for faculty training and coordinating its actions;
  20. acting as a correspondent of the Course;
  21. coordinating the biannual survey of Course alumni insertion in the labor market;
  22. promoting joint action with the International Affairs Office and the Careers Central of the PREG, aiming towards the participation of students in activities related to the respective areas of competence;
  23. upholding the compliance and dissemination of these Regulations among students and Course faculty;
  24. delegating competence for the execution of specific tasks;
  25. overseeing the activities of the Course Committee’s office;
  26. exercising other attributions foreseen in law, these Regulations or the Course Regiment.

Administration course coordination

Accounting Sciences course coordination

Economics course coordination

International Relations course coordination

Social Work course coordination

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