School Council Responsibilities
The Center’s Council is the highest deliberative and advisory body of the CSE administration and consists of the following participants:
- Dean of CSE, as the chairperson;
- Vice Dean of CSE, as the vice chairperson;
- Heads of each department;
- Coordinators of the undergraduate programs;
- Coordinators of the graduate programs;
- Representatives of the student body enrolled in programs offered by CSE in the proportion of one-fifth of the non-student members of the Council, with at least one graduate student included, for a one-year term, with one reappointment allowed;
- Representatives of the UFSC technical-administrative staff, in the entire proportion of one-sixth of the number of faculty members in the Center’s Council, elected by their peers, through direct elections, for a two-year term, with one re-election allowed;
- Research Coordinator of CSE;
- Outreach Coordinator of CSE;
- The School’s representatives in the University Council;
- The chairperson of the complementary bodies linked to the CSE;
- The mentioned representatives will each have an alternate member, elected or appointed, according to the circumstances, by the same process and on the same occasion as the full members, and automatically substituting them in their absences, impediments, and vacancies, except for the Dean and Vice Dean.
- The complementary bodies must have their own regulations approved by the School Council in order to have a seat in the Council.
- Establish the School’s teaching, research and extension policies;
- Exercise, as an advisory and deliberative body, the School’s higher jurisdiction;
- Deliberate and decide on matters of a technical, administrative, and functional nature;
- Prepare the School’s Bylaws or its modifications and submit it to the University Council;
- Issue opinions on the creation and termination of undergraduate and graduate programs;
- Regulate, under the terms of the ruling legislation, the electoral process for choosing the School’s Dean and Vice Dean;
- Judge acts and procedures of the faculty members, proposing, according to the circumstances, to the Higher Body, the adoption of appropriate punitive measures;
- Decide, in the first instance, on penalties provided in the General Bylaws;
- Review, on an appeal basis, the decisions of the Departments, the Undergraduate Program Councils, the Graduate Program Councils, and the Dean’s Office;
- Decide on preventive, corrective or suppressive measures for acts of collective indiscipline;
- Suggest to the University Council the granting of honorary titles;
- Approve the School Dean’s annual report for the previous year;
- Approve the School’s annual work schedule;
- Examine proposals on the creation of new Departments, as well as changes in the constitution of existing ones;
- Examine proposals for university or professional recognition and honor, which can be granted within the School itself or suggested to the University Council;
- Examine proposals for creating, splitting, incorporating, merging, and extinguishing Laboratories and Research and Outreach Centers, forwarded by the respective Branch Councils;
- Approve the bylaws of the bodies that make up CSE;
- Appoint the School’s representatives for the Research, Outreach, Graduate and Undergraduate Councils;
- Express its viewpoint on agreements and acceptance of legacies or donations for the benefit of the School;
- Evaluate the results of recruitment processes forwarded by the examining committees, respecting the provisions of art. 125 of the General Bylaws of UFSC.