Rector of UFFS will utter a lecture in the University in Debate Forum

10/08/2011 16:44

The professor Jaime Giolo, rector of Federal University of South Frontier – UFFS, will come at Social-Economic Center to participate of the University in Debate Forum. He will utter a lecture to the students of the Professional Master in University Administration – PPGAU and the others members of academic community. The theme of the lecture is: The experience in the Management of UFFS.

Location: CAD Auditorium – CSE
When: 08- 23
Time: 19h

*Jaime is professor and rector of the Federal University of South Frontier. He has graduation in Philosophy by the University of Passo Fundo (1982), master in History and Philosophy by the Catholic University of São Paulo (1993), doctor in History and Philosophy of education by the University of São Paulo (1997) and Ph.D. in Brazilian College Education by Unicamp (2009). He was professor and vice-rector of University of Passo Fundo between 1985 and 2009. Was general coordinator of statistics of college education  (2005-2006) and general coordinator of institutional evaluation and of the graduations courses (2006-2007) of National Institute of Research and Studies Educational  Anísio Teixeira – INEP. He has experience in the educational area, with emphasis in Philosophy and Education and Politics educational history, dominating especially the following themes: education theories, college education and history of Rio Grande do Sul education.

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