GP-Web, public software for project management

11/08/2011 16:59

The logistic and technology secretary of planning, budget e management  ministery information is promoting the event “Technical meeting of TI governance and electronic government – Friday with projects”, tomorrow, august 12 at 9h30 with the lecture “GP-Web, public software to management of projects”

The lecture will have live transmission by the link: friday at 9h30.

The integrated system of projects budget GP-Web, as in the part of management of budget projects and practices, as in the internal processing of messages and filed documents, proposes to be a complete and integrated solution to any organization. Runs through web, has been created in the php language and database MySQL (Source:

GP-Web in the 7.7, is already used by several publics organs, among then the planning ministery. Developed inside the philosophy of open source (license GNU) by the Sérgio Reinert captain of Brazilian Arm.

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