(Português) Ciências Contábeis recebe cinco estrelas do Guia do Estudante 2012

06/09/2011 18:52

The Accounting Course of UFSC won the five stars concept of the Guia do Estudante of Abril. The publication Guia do Estudante Profissões – Vestibular 2012, which brings an evaluation of the superior courses held by the guide, begins to circulate on October 6.

Created in 1966, today the course is among the 11 best of the country and receives the fiveconcept Guide again.

With 25 years of existence, the Student Guide provides information on professions and Brazilian universities, detailing more than 214 courses and evaluating more than 20 000.


Round of International Talks

01/09/2011 20:46

The Center for Competitive Intelligence Organization (NICO) in Marketing and Logistics, CAD and CSE invites everyone to participate of the international lectures with the Indian teacher and researcher Jagdip Singh, professor who occupies the chair H Clark Ford Professor of Marketing and Head of the Marketing Department of Case Western Reserve University – Cleveland, United States.

Here is the event schedule:

Thursday, 08/09 at 6:30 PM: Lecture “Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained” (with simultaneous translation) for undergraduate students that are participating of the Week of the Administrator.

Location: Auditorium of the CSE

Friday, 09/09 at 2:30 PM: Lecture “Awakening Passion for Research: Aim High, Look Low” for students and postgraduate teachers of  UFSC.

Location: Auditorium of CAD – the first floor of the CSE building

Registration: The both lectures are free. The talk “Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained” requires registration with the Centro Acadêmico do Curso de Administração of UFSC (more information at http://www.semanaadmufsc.com.br/).

More information can be obtained from the Research Group on Consumption () or with the professor Vinicius Brei.

Cartaz Palestra Prof Singh

Teacher is honored in the unit council meeting

19/08/2011 17:17

The teacher Raimundo Nonato de Oliveira Lima was honored in the last day first for his mandatory retirement, during the meeting of unit council. The professor is 70 years old and taught  in the Administration department for the last 37 years.

Inaugural class of PPGRI

19/08/2011 16:48

The inaugural class of the International Relations Postgraduate Program, with the Ph.D. Maria Regina Soares de Lima, of the Social and Politics Studies Institute of the State University of Rio de Janeiro, with the theme “The big strategy of the Brazilian foreign politics: theoretical and practical support”  held in the august 18, at 4pm, in the CCJ auditorium, had the presence of students from the economics, law, international relations, politics science and others. Were also present the teachers of PPGRI, the department chief of Economics and International Relations and the CSE director.

GP-Web, public software for project management

11/08/2011 16:59

The logistic and technology secretary of planning, budget e management  ministery information is promoting the event “Technical meeting of TI governance and electronic government – Friday with projects”, tomorrow, august 12 at 9h30 with the lecture “GP-Web, public software to management of projects”

The lecture will have live transmission by the link: http://assiste.serpro.gov.br/sisp/ friday at 9h30.

The integrated system of projects budget GP-Web, as in the part of management of budget projects and practices, as in the internal processing of messages and filed documents, proposes to be a complete and integrated solution to any organization. Runs through web, has been created in the php language and database MySQL (Source: http://www.softwarepublico.gov.br)

GP-Web in the 7.7, is already used by several publics organs, among then the planning ministery. Developed inside the philosophy of open source (license GNU) by the Sérgio Reinert captain of Brazilian Arm.

Rector of UFFS will utter a lecture in the University in Debate Forum

10/08/2011 16:44

The professor Jaime Giolo, rector of Federal University of South Frontier – UFFS, will come at Social-Economic Center to participate of the University in Debate Forum. He will utter a lecture to the students of the Professional Master in University Administration – PPGAU and the others members of academic community. The theme of the lecture is: The experience in the Management of UFFS.

Location: CAD Auditorium – CSE
When: 08- 23
Time: 19h

*Jaime is professor and rector of the Federal University of South Frontier. He has graduation in Philosophy by the University of Passo Fundo (1982), master in History and Philosophy by the Catholic University of São Paulo (1993), doctor in History and Philosophy of education by the University of São Paulo (1997) and Ph.D. in Brazilian College Education by Unicamp (2009). He was professor and vice-rector of University of Passo Fundo between 1985 and 2009. Was general coordinator of statistics of college education  (2005-2006) and general coordinator of institutional evaluation and of the graduations courses (2006-2007) of National Institute of Research and Studies Educational  Anísio Teixeira – INEP. He has experience in the educational area, with emphasis in Philosophy and Education and Politics educational history, dominating especially the following themes: education theories, college education and history of Rio Grande do Sul education.

PPGRI promotes inaugural class

09/08/2011 16:58

The International Relations Postgraduate Program will promote a inaugural class in the next Thursday that will be given by the teacher Maria Regina Soares de Lima, Ph.D.. The theme of the class  will be “The big strategy of the Foreign Brazilian Politics: Sustention practical and theoretical”

Maria Regina Soares de Lima is teacher of the Institute of Social and Politics Studies at University of the Rio de Janeiro State (UERJ)

What: Inaugural Class of the International Relations Postgraduate Program (PPGRI)

When: August, 18, 16pm

Where: CCJ Auditorium

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